
Dataset: Countries, 2020 - Administrative Units - Dataset v10M
Date: 2020-02-28

This data set contains the administrative boundaries at country level of the world and is based on the geometry from EBM v2020 (ReferenceDate 31.12.2018) of EuroGeographics for the members of Eurogeographics, and GISCO Countries 2020. This dataset consists of 2 feature classes (regions, boundaries) per scale level and there are 6 different scale levels (100K, 1M, 3M, 10M, 20M and 60M). The public data set (1M - 60M) is available under the Download link indicated below. The full data set (100K - 60M) GISCO.CNTR_2020 is available via the EC restricted download link.

The dataset is based on the geometry from EBM v2020. of EuroGeographics for the members of Eurogeographics,and the generalised scales are based on GISCO Countries 2016 due to the lack of updates of the UN FAO Gaul dataset. This resulted in a common repository of geometry of which the different datasets were derived. The different scale levels were derived of generalisations of the common repository on 100K scale. This means that within each scale level the feature classes of all these datasets: COMM_2020, NUTS_2021, CNTR_2020, EEZ_2020 and COAS_2020, are fully coherent and compliant. Each scale level in the CNTR_2020 dataset consists of 2 feature classes (regions and boundaries) The boundaries and regions are related to each other through a relationship table. In addition to the region and boundary feature classes there is also 1 label feature class which is scale independent. For each CNTR in the region feature class there is exactly 1 label and an associated record in the CNTR_AT table which contains names and poltical status.

Point of contact: European Commission, Eurostat (ESTAT), GISCO

More info at: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/reference-data/administrative-units-statistical-units/countries